Infinite euphoria of images →
Wikimedia Commons &
Getty Images.
There are still about 50000 photos waiting to be published. I hope to publish at least some of them online at Wikimedia Commons and Getty Images. Check these sites for updates. Wikimedia Commons and Getty Images provide good search capabilities. To find anything, just use the "Argenberg" tag and add whatever you want to find: city, place, country, object, topic, theme, any combination of keywords, or just a search phrase.
In this world, we wander the limitless and taste only the infinite. We explore the inconceivable, traverse the unthinkable, and survey the incomprehensible. We delve into oceans, seas, islands, mountain peaks and valleys, deserts, sunsets, sunrises, skies, sun, clouds, rain, haze, forests, trees, countries, cities, architecture, historical sites, people, animals, birds, art, parties, festivals and more. We travel across the Eurasian continent, mostly in Russia, Southeast Asia, India and the Middle East. We often get to the wildest places on our planet that no one has ever seen or been to before. Sometimes we even get around locations where the fate of future generations is being decided in war battles. Time and space are less defined there. God is our shepherd, we shall not want. And above all, we travel people's minds, souls and destinies, and these are the most irresistible journeys. I, Vyacheslav Argenberg, am photographing all of this for history as it unfolds. I want all these pictures to take you back to the moment and place.
My photographs have been published by CNN, Huffington Post, The New York Times, NBC, WSJ, The Guardian, The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Times, Financial Times, ABC News, Fox News, USA Today, RT, Yahoo, Bloomberg, Reuters, Penguin Books, Random House, Harper Collins, Macmillan, Lonely Planet, National Geographic, Wikipedia, Vokrug Sveta, Interfax, TASS, RIA Novosti, Izvestia, AIF, Vedomosti, Komsomolskaya Pravda, Moskovskij Komsomolets, Rossiyskaya Gazeta, Lenta, RBK and many more. I can count thousands of books and magazines and over a hundred of publishers, not to mention tens of thousands of web-sites.
Once upon a time there was a big photography web-site here, but it's now gone with the wind all over the world. Those early days are over, but the enchantment spirit lives on. I still send original image files (including raw files) upon request and sign all the necessary paperwork for publishers, media companies and advertising agencies, just like in good old times. Please send me a message at and let me know what you need. The summary for my photo collection is currently as follows: 100000+ images, 2+ terabytes, 30+ countries, 1500+ locations, 7+ years of travel.
Enjoy! Explore planet Earth with VascoPlanet... See a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
Vyacheslav Argenberg